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South African Government websites are laughable

The Department of Home Affairs The happy go lucky crowd that hold your fingerprints and data. SSL Compliant Nope, why should they be secure? Mobile Friendly They don’t seem to realise or couldn’t give a shit that most South Africans, the people goverment theoretically serve access everything via their cellphones. For several years now, Google has been forcing websites to implement SSL certificates. It all started with its 2014… Read More »South African Government websites are laughable

Why in 2023 do most prices still end in 99?

When this is a direct fuck you to the consumer. Why do we put up with this and perpetuate it?It is particularly ironic when more and more companies tell you constantly how much they care for and love you and then they bend you over like the catholic church. If you didn’t already know This is a seemingly subtle way to manipulate your behaviour, to get you to purchase more.… Read More »Why in 2023 do most prices still end in 99?

Total Battle

Exactly, it is a total battle to play this game without spending money.The way they have set it up is to catch you out by restricting resources. You want to do x but you are missing component y and the only way to get the component is to spend $$. I gave up with my hero at level 29 and city at level 19, so I really tried to make… Read More »Total Battle

Renewing your Vehicle License

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Go to and register.You can then complete your vehicle license renewal. They will courier your license for an additional fee of R99. Government historically has done a shit job with license renewals In the past in KZN in particular, license renewals have been such a hit and miss affair. If you got lucky and you actually received a license renewal form in the mail, this is before the post… Read More »Renewing your Vehicle License

We care

Hi Company X You sell yourselves as different and yet you still have so many things just like the companies you claim to be different from. 1 simple example, pricing, R54.99 – pretty sure you and every marketer understands that this pricing is intended to “fool/deceive” the client into thinking R54 vs R55.Is the deception, necessary? I know it improves the bottom line, but the bottom line is that it treats… Read More »We care

Cult of Climate Change

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By 2015 children won’t know what snow is. Al Gore, 2004 What is the agenda for those pushing the climate change propaganda?