Whole-Lemon Lymph Cleanse
Works well for: Neuropathy, and swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)
This following simple recipe can be used daily until improvement is noticed:
Read More »Whole-Lemon Lymph CleanseWorks well for: Neuropathy, and swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)
This following simple recipe can be used daily until improvement is noticed:
Read More »Whole-Lemon Lymph CleanseI mostly play from my hifi via Spotify over wired ethernet
Need to oil your shredder but are appauled at the prices for “original/branded” shredder oil. I’ll try unravel some of the marketing bullshit around what it is and what you can use as a cheap alternative. Separating the marketing & bullshit from reality. The website mybinding.com in a blog post titles Do NOT use these Oils for your Paper Shredder, states that you should not use “Olive, vegetable, & canola… Read More »Cheap Shredder Oil
You have red danger indicator on some of your screwgate carabiners which seems like a no-brainer.Unless a partner knows that the gate is an indicating gate, when it is closed they do not know from a distance.Why do you not have green that is exposed once the gate is closed? Green would tell someone from a distance that the gate is a gate with a state indicator and that it… Read More »Indicating Screwgate
The Department of Home Affairs http://www.dha.gov.za/ The happy go lucky crowd that hold your fingerprints and data. SSL Compliant Nope, why should they be secure?https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.dha.gov.za Mobile Friendly They don’t seem to realise or couldn’t give a shit that most South Africans, the people goverment theoretically serve access everything via their cellphones.https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly/result?id=KtvgN2w_mnCVfMbRtO-tKg For several years now, Google has been forcing websites to implement SSL certificates. It all started with its 2014… Read More »South African Government websites are laughable