Hi my name is Grant, welcome to my humble home, online that is. Here you will find my rant’s, ravings, ideas, thoughts, etc etc. Unlike most other blogs, many of my posts will be in a constant state of flux. I will take in to consideration comments & feedback as well as updating with new information. Right now I am not too sure how this will work or even if it will. Only time will tell.
My inspiration, passion, what my life is centered around
- I am interested in “how” we have created through our state of mind the place we now live in.
- Did you know that your body inherently knows what it needs at any moment in time. We have confused this innate mechanism through all the silly ideas and fads we cling to. What I mean is that kids left to their own devices without any nutritional training will choose a balanced meal. This is of course until their systems have become polluted through sugars, caffeine, Ritalin, Second-hand smoke. Which are all ultimately byproducts of our current state of mind.
- There are no screwed up children, only screwed up environments. Children are like water, they flow to fit their environment. If they are misbehaving or unruly, it is because that is what shape their environment is.
- Mother Nature is safe, humanity will have long destroyed itself before it does any permanent harm to the planet.
- Joy, comes through sharing what we love. I love exploring the edges of what is known and diving into the unknown.
- Live by example, so as little preaching as possible, more action.
Just who is this Grant Day character anyway
- Born: 27th March 1972, yup I’m 49
- Died: 2022 & still not dead yet
- Star Sign: Aries
- Born in Chinese Year: Water Rat
- Born & still live in: Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa
- Sex: Male
Want to know more, just ask and I will do my utmost to respond.
Contact Me
084 584 7268
7 Mirabelle Rd, Hayfields
Pietermaritzburg, 3201